5 Ways to Upcycle Your Old Stuff

It’s March—which means spring is just a few weeks away and soon we will be up to our elbows spring cleaning our homes, outdoor spaces and offices (need help with the cleaning?  Give us a call!).  Before the cleaning begins, we encourage you to start getting rid of things you no longer need.  And, since we are all about recycling and reusing, we wanted to share with you some ideas we have for upcycling products you may be ready to toss.

6a011168642488970c01157108663e970c-800wiTrashcans into Planters
Talk about literally turning your trash into treasure.  Both metal and plastic trash cans can easily be turned into planters for your patio, porch or garden.  You can spray paint them to make them more fancy, but we love the natural look (especially for metal cans).  Be sure you drill holes (about ¾ inch) on the bottom sides for drainage.  And those leftover lids?  Use them to help turn your compost pile.



DSC_0686-001Mason Jars into Lights
There are so many ways to use old mason jars (checkout 50 great ideas from CountryLiving.com), but with spring just a few weeks away, we are turning them into a string of lights for our outdoor space by adding galvanized cable and tea lights.  Click here for the complete tutorial from Simply Bold.




IMG_2280Rulers into Hook Boards
If you are tempted to throw out those promotional yardsticks you picked up at a tradeshow or toss the broken rulers found at the bottom of your child’s backpack, checkout this great idea from MySalvagedTresures.com.  With a few additional products (inexpensive lumber, old coat hooks, etc.), you can turn those rulers into a unique and useful hook board.




Make-a-DIY-Crayon-Holder-From-an-Old-Knife-Block-10Knife Block into Crayon Holder
Many people ditch the big wooden knife block you sometimes get with a new set of cutlery (just look at your local thrift shop—there’s usually an entire shelf of knife blocks without any knives), which is why we loved this idea from Thrift Diving Blog.  A little drilling, painting and nailing and this kitchen staple becomes the centerpiece of your craft room.




m224459380Magazine Rack into Kitchen Wrap Organizer
Those magazine holders piling up in your home office will work wonders for helping you organize your kitchen.  Use them to store kitchen wraps such as aluminum foil and parchment paper or have them hold your growing assortment of cutting boards.  To save even more space, you can attach the holders to the inside of a cabinet door.




Talk to us:  What is your upcycle claim to fame?  We’d love to see what you’ve created!