How to Get Back To Your Routine After Summer

Although the warm weather may continue for a few more weeks, September marks the unofficial end of summer and a return to normal routine. School, approaching holidays, and increased hours at work can be jolting to throw yourself into after a relaxing summer break from your normal routine.

Before you give in to the end-of-summer-blues, try these tips to gently ease your mind and body back into a full schedule of activities and responsibilities.

Get organized: If you’re a parent getting kids off to school or you’re just trying to get yourself back into the work day groove, it helps to keep your home environment organized. Set out clothes the night before, make lunches, check your schedule, and have a morning meal planned or pre-made.

Embrace the schedule: A schedule can be comforting. Knowing when everything is going to get accomplished during the day, week, or month can calm the mind and allow you to focus on the task at hand. Use the calendar function that’s most comfortable for you and plan your activities out as much as possible.

Silence is GoldenTurn off TV, computers, cell phones, video games for a set period of time. A period of silence after a busy day will rejuvenate your mind and allow it to take a break from processing information. Use the quiet time to just sit and relax or interact with family or homework time.

Stick to a bedtime: Sleep is vital to your overall health and success. You require at least six to eight hours of sleep at night, and your school-aged kids require between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night. To help your kids get a good night sleep, be consistent with bedtime and establish a wind-down routine such as reading or storytelling.

Establish a morning routine: If your mind and body know what to expect, it will be easier to sink into a comforting morning routine. Set a wake-up time and stick to it. If you can, stick to a wake-up time every day, including weekends, but at least during the week. Have your morning meal ready to go and clothes laid out the night before.

Categorize emails: If you’ve been on vacation or keeping limited office hours over the summer, be prepared for an onslaught of emails waiting for you at work. The best way to tackle the pile is to get organized with separate folders set-up for projects, correspondence, urgent tasks, etc. If you can, keep your out of office autoresponder on for a few extra days to give you time to plow through your backed emails before you’re expected to start responding promptly.

How are you adjusting to a new routine? We’d love to know how your summer was and what you’re planning on jumping into in September. Let’s chat on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.