Monthly Roof Maintenance Checklist



According to, a roof is one of your building’s biggest financial investments and is often something we neglect.  Think about it for a moment—this winter alone, the roof of your building has probably experienced temperature changes, heavy periods of snow (followed by heavy periods of melting) and structural movement.  If left neglected, these issues can cause serious problems and cause you some serious time and expense.

Here is a checklist of what you should be doing every month to maintain the roof of your building:

Take Photos
Taking photos each month will allow you to notice changes immediately—including any visible structural deformations, broken gutters, rust or missing components.    Any damage should be fixed immediately.

Clear Debris
Debris can block the flow of water and cause “ponding” which can damage your roof and, in extreme cases, may cause the roof to collapse.

Restrict Roof Traffic
You may not realize just how many people are walking on your roof—from HVAC repairs to window washers, you need to know who is spending time on your roof and when they will be there.  Do a monthly walk-thru and note where heavy foot traffic may be expected—you may want to consider adding extra protection to those areas.

Keep Records of Maintenance
It’s important to have up to date records regarding your roof including a detailed history of roof installation, overall roof plan and specifications and materials that have been used.  Once a month, add any additional information to your records including any repairs or changes that have been made.

Have an Internal Look
Unfortunately, some external roof issues are first noticed internally—especially if you have not been doing monthly inspections.  Take a look inside your building and note any irregularities with the ceilings that may be caused by roof damage.

Although you may be doing your own monthly roof maintenance and inspections, roofing professional should perform an inspection on a biannual basis (recommended to do one in the spring and one in the fall).  Find a professional who is experienced in your type of building and roof—using the Better Business Bureau for suggestions if needed.


Talk to us:  What tips do you have for finding a professional roofer in NYC?