World Environment Day – Connect with Nature in NYC

Richard Louv, author of “The Nature Principle,” coined a term that we should all have in our vocabulary. He calls it “nature-deficit disorder” and it revolves around the aspect that when we stop spending time in nature, our health, spiritual and physical well-being and other areas of life start to hinder. He attributes spending time in nature to the general association of feeling alive and stresses the importance of taking the time to get outside.

Unfortunately for some of us, especially those who live in large cities like New York, it can be quite difficult to make time to connect with nature. That’s why we’ve put together a few ideas to get your inner-Earth loving spirit flowing.


Spend a Weekend in Central Park

If you live in New York City, you have one benefit that most city dwellers lack: access to Central Park. Central Park is an oasis in the midst of one of the busiest cities in America. Its design was intended to create a unique experience for the inhabitants of New York and is still one of the most popular ways for New Yorkers (and surrounding metropolitan cities) to connect with nature. From miles of bike paths to giant rolling hills and beautifully lined walking paths, there is never a shortage of things to do. Head outside and spend a few days in Central Park to forget about the big city that surrounds you.


Connect with The Nature Conservancy

If you want to connect with nature while making a difference, check out The Nature Conservancy. They have locations and operations all over America, including big cities like New York. With a mission to protect the Earth that we live on, they work to make sure that people will be able to connect with nature for years to come. The Nature Conservancy has dozens of preserves and protected places across New York that you can visit or volunteer at. This is definitely a great way to connect with nature and make you feel truly alive.


Bring Some Nature Indoors

If you have trouble getting outside and want to make sure that you are still connecting with nature on a daily basis, bring some indoors! There are tons of plants that bring you both mental and physical benefits from having them in your home. Some of these include the spider plant, peace lily, aloe vera and even dandelions. All of them will help bring you closer to nature day-in and day-out… just remember to take care of them!



At the end of the day, it is important to connect with nature. If you’re not convinced, World Environment Day has put together this awesome fact sheet to help demonstrate the vast benefits that arise from being one with nature.

Another way to make sure you are connecting with nature every day is by opting for eco-friendly cleaners in your home and office. Check out some of Greenhouse Eco-Cleaning’s products for a great alternative to the harmful products on the market. As always, if you have any other creative ways to connect with nature, comment below or write on our Facebook page!