Should You Cleanse Your Home?


Every now and then, we experience big life changes. Whether it’s a break up, an illness, or simply the beginning of a new year, there are several times throughout our experiences that allow for a space cleanse. While you may be more familiar with physical cleanses, there is also great energy that is created when you give your home a cleanse.

So, as we head into the end of the first month of a new year, consider cleansing your space with dried sage. Here’s how:

Be present

A big part of a space cleanse is being present in the cleanse itself. It’s okay to talk out loud, or to make your wishes for new energy known. In fact, a home cleanse is even stronger if you actively participate and focus on creating strong intentions for your space. Don’t be afraid to speak with intention and make your wish for positive energy known.

Burn your sage

Part of indigenous cultures for thousands of years, white sage is known to clear out negative energy by actually changing the composition of the energy around it. Place the sage in a clay bowl or on another heat-proof surface and light it with a match. Give the sage a few minutes to build up a nice smoke before beginning to cleanse.

Cleanse yourself and your space

Often times in space cleanses, before using the sage throughout the room, it’s a good idea to use it around your own body. By cleansing yourself of negative energies, you can better facilitate a cleansing of your space. After you feel free of negative energy, begin waving the sage in a counter-clockwise motion throughout the room or rooms you are aiming to cleanse.

Finish with intention

When you’re finished, place the sage back into the bowl and allow it to burn, filling the room with smoke and scent. Open windows to allow fresh energy into the space and then get rid of the sage ashes somewhere outside, returning them to the earth. Give thanks for the cleanse and the positive energy that you have allowed into your space.


Talk to us:  Have you cleansed your home?

image courtesy of flickr cc/Alan Levine