March, the traditional (dreaded) month to undertake the big spring cleaning is here. You could set aside the weekend, enlist the help of family members and drive yourself and your loved ones crazy attempting to overhaul your entire home from a long, dreary winter; or, you could take one hour and whip your living space into shape.
Viable speed cleaning demands organization and the right supplies. Stock a grab-and-carry tote with natural, plant-based cleaners such as Ecospirit sprays, large trash bags and microfiber cleaning cloths and you’re ready to get started.
You’re cleaning strategy is to start in the back (or the top floor) and work your way to the front. Open the windows as you go; the most health-producing aspect of spring cleaning is letting toxic indoor air out and fresh spring air in. Don’t forget to turn off your HVAC system before you throw open the windows.
Use your large garbage bag to empty trash as you move through your house, and wipe down surfaces with your cloth. Did you know that microfiber cloths hold five times as much dust and dirt as traditional rags and don’t end up in landfills like paper towels, which is why we suggest using them for spring cleaning, what better way to welcome natures blooms?
Put knick-knacks and other household items you no longer want into a pile in the middle of each room as you go. Another way to do this might be to ask your family to build their own pile of unwanted items before you start your speedy spring cleaning.
When you’ve tackled the trash and surfaces, go back through with another bag and collect the items you’ll be donating, recycling or repurposing. Check local donation centers for places in need of textiles, furniture, books, toys, appliances and other household items.
Make one more trip through your living space armed with a vacuum and a mop to clean your floors. Notice we didn’t specify using a broom. That’s because a high-tech vacuum with settings for hardwood and carpet will do a better job disposing of dust and debris than a broom, which stirs it up only to have it settle in corners.
Get organized and spring clean with a strategy and you can do it in less time than it takes to do a load of laundry, or give us a call to schedule a Mint Green cleaning service and you can spend that hour enjoying the first rays of spring sunshine outside.
Talk to us: What are you donating, recycling, or repurposing this year during your spring cleaning?