Natural Cleaning Tips For Healthy Living

DIY (EASY) Holiday Wreaths

DIY (EASY) Holiday Wreaths

‘Tis the season to be crafty, but if you are not exactly the next Martha Stewart, you may be looking for some easy (and eco-friendly) ways to add a little holiday charm to your front door.  Here are some fun and simple wreaths for you to try: Ornament Wreath via...

Happy Eco-Easter

Happy Eco-Easter

This weekend is Easter and we are not only celebrating the Easter Bunny, but also celebrating Mother Nature.  There are numerous eco-friendly ideas you can incorporate into your own Easter celebrations—from natural egg dyeing to hosting a sustainable brunch,  making...

5 family-friendly ways to live greener without spending a dime

Diligent environmentalism is an attitude the next generation needs to embrace and what better way to teach our kids to be eco friendly than to make it eco fun? Living a green lifestyle can be expensive, case-in-point: organic food, energy efficient appliances,...

Decorating Tips for a Green Holiday Season

The holiday season means different things to everyone. Some of us look forward to this time of year as a season for coming together with friends and family beside a gorgeously trimmed Christmas tree while others gather to recite blessings and light the candles during...

How to Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose Old Magazines

Aluminum cans, paper, and plastic are synonymous with the word recycling, but did you know that you can also do something useful with the old magazines you’ve been collecting? Repurpose One of our favorite repurposing ideas is to make bows out of old magazines as...

How to Clean a Pumpkin

Most people agree carving pumpkins is fun and eating pumpkins is delicious, but cleaning pumpkins is a hassle. Since green cleaning is our expertise, we thought we’d share some tips and advice to help make this dreaded task easy (naturally), if not necessarily fun....

Top 5 Best Halloween DIY ideas from Pinterest

Top 5 Best Halloween DIY ideas from Pinterest

If you’re anything like us, you love Pinterest for its delicious recipes, fabulous décor ideas and intriguing DIY projects. This month we decided to scour the addictive site for eco friendly Halloween DIY ideas to bring you the best of the best when it comes to fun...

Hold a Red, White, Blue, and Green 4th of July Party

As a kid the 4th of July holiday meant parties, fireworks and spending the day celebrating with friends. Who am I kidding? It still does! The only thing that’s changed from my giddy childhood celebrations is my desire to make sure green is always included with my red,...

7 DIY Christmas Decorations That Are Easy, Green and Eco-Friendly

A List of the Best Eco-Friendly Holiday Decorations We Know Of The holidays are time for togetherness, celebration, and creativity. One of the best parts about this time of year are the cheerful decorations we bring into our homes. Fragrant pine, glittering lights,...